Monday, January 26, 2009

An Endless Stream

There's a half-thought in me which I wanted to say, express thyself...but another nagging feeling telling thyself not to do so for I may be thinking too much about certain stuffs which may lead to well, an unwanted expectation.
How should I begin saying this man? My thoughts are all in a mess, except for the side of me which thinks about Nothing but immense article writing, story searching and listening to friends and citizens voice their own thoughts and opinions to divert thy feelings away from the subtle topic of romance and companionship.
Loving someone is a tough task, especially for the female, not unless the opposite gender she sets her eyes on willingly acknowledges his feelings for her. In that respect, there was someone whom I once(?) admired from afar, pined for his heart and cried for the feelings bottled inside me.
All because he captured thy heart with his inner charm. And on a personal note, I know its rather hard for thyself to fall for someone.
And another two whom I'm specially close with the other to relate with him.
But the worst thing was confession. For now, at least I know, I just want to cry...but ridiculously on Chinese New Year! My only fear now, is loosing my good friend to this issue.

The tears just starts pouring, like an endless stream.

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