Friday, February 20, 2009

Far From Being Ordinary

The minute hand on the clock is ticking rapidly, clocking towards 2:00 a.m.
Daybreak's in just another 4 hours counting from 2 and I'm done with my first set of notes for the night.
Way to go, man! I'm gonna sit, sweat and re-structure the bloody essay in my seat out in thy living room till six in the morning. Yet as I'm doing my work, I'm blogging my time away here, for the stale memories of the past keeps on playing inside my mind, like a carousel ride. Fresh tears are inevitable making me weak and weary; while these droplets are also fresh like the morning dew of the ocean's deep.

Damn...My life's none other than anything but far from the ordinary.
Allow me to sum up my feelings in these four phrases:-

I used to notice you from the distance,
Like a dancer awaiting practice session,
But in the wrong studio.
You came up to me and offered to take me home.

Looking down at the crowded streets,
I spied you again, looking up at me.
I felt my heartbeat racing, wild.
And I know, I am in love.

There she goes, far away.
And here she comes again, right up to me.
She clings my right arm, tight.
And drags me along...down the rescinding streets of lust and curse.

When I turn off the lights at night,
I am sadly, reminded of you.
Yesterday, you took off with her on a high note,
And left me fluttering about. LOST.

A thousand sighs...

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